- #Stuffit expander for mac os 7 mac os#
- #Stuffit expander for mac os 7 zip#
- #Stuffit expander for mac os 7 windows#
#Stuffit expander for mac os 7 mac os#
bash_profile file in your home directory (folder)so that it is executed every time you log in. StuffIt Expander 5.5 was the most commonly used archive extractor in the later 90s on Mac OS 8 until the standard edition 7.0 came bundled with Mac OS 9.

For example, you were user 'ernie' andif the exe folderwere the folder /home/ernie/phylip/phylip-3.697/exeyou add that to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable with the commandThis has to be done once each session. Before running Drawtree or Drawgram, give a command tospecify the path.These files are present in theexecutables folder, but the program still cannot find themunless the load library path is specified. When running the interface and using its Previewfunction to preview the tree, there may be an error message sayingthat the program has been unable to find the library filelibdrawgram.so or libdrawtree.so. I have encountered problems withusing the Java interface for the Drawgram and Drawtree programs onLinux systems. to indicate the currentfolder, such as. Thus the programs in that folder canthen be executed either by clicking on their icon, or by typing theirname (in lower case) preceded by. The result will be that the executables folder will now have a set oflinks, one for each program, that allow the programs to be executedsimply by typing their names. Change the permissions of the script linkmac to allow it to execute:.Copy the file linkmac from the src folderto this exe folder.For example, if you have folder phylip-3.695 on yourdesktop, type in the command At the prompt, change to the folder where the PHYLIP executablesare kept.

Open a Terminal window (which you will find in the Utilities folderof the Applications folder).If these are absent,which they should not be, there is one additional set of steps you need to do:
#Stuffit expander for mac os 7 windows#

#Stuffit expander for mac os 7 zip#
By simply adding or removing the UUencode (.uu) or Zip (.zip) suffix, those files will encode, compress or expand zip files (popular Windows formats) with Archive Via Rename(tm), exclusive to StuffIt Deluxe.